Thursday, May 22, 2008

Trouble Is On The Way!

I have been told by several people that I need to be posting a little more frequently... So I am letting you know that I will try. James has accomplished some huge mile stones in this short month, he is sitting up, and now crawling, and sometimes attempting to pull up on things. He isn't very quick yet, but let me tell you... He gets what he is wants. It is so fun to watch him grow and learn! Ryan and I feel so blessed to have such a well behaved, cute, and funny baby. Some cool tricks he learned are making an Indian noise, blowing raspberries, and gargling his spit. (Yummy!)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Surf'N BabY!!!

Today we spent the day as a family at the beach in Ventura; as you can see James had a blast... He loved playing in, and eating the sand. No I didn't want him eating the sand but since it was pretty much inevitable I thought I should at least get a picture of it.