Saturday, April 11, 2009


It's nice to be home... As you can see, house cleaning has been a little difficult during this transitional period; hopefully my Super Mom power will kick in before I go crazy with clutter.

This mess was actually photographed a few days ago... It has gotten a little better since.

Other then trying to maintain some sort of order in our small apartment, things are actually going very well. James LOVES Emily. He always wants to hold her... He likes it when she grabs his finger, or when he puts his finger in her mouth and she sucks on it. He wants to give her kisses constantly. After every time he gives her a kiss he sighs "Ohhh! cute" it is so precious watching him interact with her.

Her are two stories that have happened in the last few days.
James accidentally ran into the baby swing when Emily was in it (He didn't know she was in it) When he bumped it he made her cry... He then started crying and saying sorry because he felt bad that he made her cry. He then smothered her in tuns of kisses to make it all better.

We were at the park yesterday and one of his little friends wanted to look at the baby. I got down on my knees and started to show his friend, and he pushed his friend out of the way and said "My Emmy". Apparently he is a little protective of his baby sister.

We are having so much fun as a family of Four, and can't wait to create more memories as time goes on. Ryan and I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped us as we adjust to life with another kid. We thank you and love you!

These are pictures that we took since being home... I just wanted to point out the picture of James holding a piece to my breast pump... He was trying to make " Mommy milk" apparently how Emily eats is really fascinating.

1 comment:

Steve and Steph said...

Yeah! Congrats on adjusting! I am already nervous about having two babies, but I've heard from many that 3 kids is when things get tough and that 2 isn't so bad. We're moving back to CA next month and totally want to come meet Emily and see you guys!