Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Help/ Advice

I need some advice... About a week and a half ago after giving Emily a bath she broke out in this nasty rash. When it didn't get better after two days I took her to the doctor. They were no help at all. After reading a few things online I decided to eliminated all scented soaps and lotions, change our laundry detergent. And I proceeded to covered her in A&D Ointment, and Aquaphor creame. The rash started clearing up and was just about gone so I gave her another bath yesterday ( I waited more then a week between baths) and she broke out again. I used the Aquaphor bath soap and bathed her with room temperature water for a short period of time and none of it mattered. She is not a happy baby with this rash, she is definitely uncomfortable. I really need some advice because the doctors did not help at all. (Please; any advice will be appreciated) In addition to the rash she also has craddle cap... advice for that would be nice as well.

I know after reading this the correct assumption is to not give her a bath... That is not possible; her hygiene still needs to be maintained.

Thank you!


Scot and Jess said...

see if your bath soap has aloe vera in it. i was allergic when i was a baby and still am. it's not something they usually think of. just a thought. good luck!

Brittany said...

Okay - cradle cap: put a couple drops of baby oil on her scalp and then use a soft baby brush to gently rub it off. Then just wash the baby oil off with a soft wash cloth.

As for the rash - Braydon had that problem, although ours was caused by Dreft detergent and baby soap. We changed soaps to Mustela and then I would put Aquaphor on him immediately after his bath. It helped tremendously and he eventually just out grew the problem. Good luck!!! Hope someone has advice that will work!!


Holly said...

Sounds like my kids. Did you ever see pictures of Katie and her rash? Horrible! It kind of cleared up for her blessing, but not really. It looked just like that. My best advice is that they just grow out of it. I tried everything too, and nothing took care of it. I use a special lotion on my kids that doesn't make them break out and it's called Renu. Can't get it in the stores and it's a little pricey. I wish I had a sample to send you so you could try. But, I'm not kidding, Katie was the EXACT same as Emily. It was awful. It finally went away at about 3 months, but she will break out every now and then. Same as what others have said about cradle cap. I did the oil 20 minutes before a bath, and scrubbed with a baby comb. Bathed her maybe every 3 days and used some steroid ointments. Oh, I'm sorry. I totally remember those days. It WILL get better with time. Maybe it's a Lang gene thing.

michele said...

This definitely looks like eczema to me. I can't believe the doctors didn't help. Maybe you need to see a different doctor. They have a medical grade cream that helps, plus doing a process of elimination with what your friends have advised helps as well. Eczema is an allergy, and she must have an allergy to something you are putting on her. Eczema also spreads in the hot spots of her body which I see are proof in your pics. I used the medical cream, plus Aquaphor. Which helped tremendously.

Mike and Anna said...

Poor baby emily! Im so sorry. I don't really have any advice but I do have this cradel cap special cream! So if you want it you can use it! give me a call 661-313-6972